
Our Services

Root End Surgery or Apicoectomy

Root end surgery or Apicoectomy is a micro-surgical treatment that aims at removing persistent infection at the tip of the infected root. This is an option when previous root canal treatment or retreatment has failed to eradicate the root canal infection (Fig. 01).

A microsurgical opening is made at the tip of the infected root. The inflamed tissue, as well as part of the root tip, is surgically removed. The process is done under a surgical microscope and the use of microsurgical instruments. (Fig. 02.)

The root end is cleansed and the space is filled with a biocompatible root-end filling (Fig. 03). The removal of infected tissues at the tip of the root will facilitate the healing of the bone (Fig. 04).

Are you Experiencing Persistent Toothaches, Tooth Pain or any Form of Dental Pain?

Consult our endodontists today.

*Twin City Endodontics is a CHAS and MediSave-accredited dental clinic.

*Dental surgeries are MediSave-claimable. For more information, please refer to MOH’s website.

*Treatment costs vary depending on the complexity of each case and you will be advised during consultation.